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- All members MUST BE gamers, from any of our supported gaming platforms

- All members must have at least 1 (one) game ID in their profile. If no ID or gaming account is deleted = GZTEAM Account Suspended

- No abusive language, spamming, slandering 

- Content must be posted in the appropriate sections/forum

- Always use the report button to report content or users to the Staff

- Automatic moderation is enabled = content reported by 5 members will be automatically deleted.

- Tournament rewards are held as account credit for Event-Pass Members for a maximum of 10 credits.

- Tournament and activity rewards are immediately available for VIP and Active members as arranged by the organizer

  • Event-Pass members may only use account credit to upgrade their GZTEAM Membership
  • VIP and Active members can use account credit for all purchases



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